Youre my playground love

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Little boys like to play with cars and go off to war, the girls - to be housewives and dress the doll. When children grow up, they do the same thing, only with a difference: the fun goes on their own account.
But they probably do not notice it until the end.
Todd Field, based on the book by Tom Perrotty directed the film "Little Children," warmly received by critics that it is well zagranym, neatly made-interesting topic and moving image. You have to agree with this, because after leaving the cinema feeling that we saw something interesting, something that is not alien to us. Field shows us the life of adults who do not really want them to become adults - complain tune sulks, are lazy and irresponsible. As small children.
Sarah (Winslet) is a master of literature, Brad (Wilson) - the law school tries to finally pass the Bar. Both sit in the house located in a quiet suburb, when their spouses are working hard to them and their children to live with dignity. Every day, they go out with their children to the playground, where you establish familiarity. To a while to break away from their monotonous life, they kiss in front of mothers gathered in the park, which arouses general movement - not only the audience, but in themselves. The joke turns into something serious.
At some point, very serious. Often in American cinema he was moved thread gray losers, usually living in the suburbs. Watching "Little Children," I had before my eyes as another movie - "American Beauty."
We all deserve to die
The difference between the two images, however, is that the film lacks Field satire, and director (and narrator) just show us a story, and it depends on us how we will assess heroes.
Of the title 'small children' they are not several years tots floating in the pool, but their parents - lovers who only thanks to his romance able to escape from his ordinary life. Sarah comes in the middle of the night to the park with a three-year daughter, even though he knows that prowls around pedophile. Brad shows off in front of teenagers riding a skateboard, but has just radically change your life. Life without fantasy, which merges one day to the next. They behave recklessly, regardless of the consequences and the future of their children. For the lead role in "Little children," Kate Winslet was nominated for a BAFTA and an Oscar. Honestly? Its creation is not struck over these earlier, it seems to me, however, that this is not her fault, but some limitations posed by the scenario. Englishwoman game is very good, but it is not the role you will remember for years to come. Acting in the film is at a high level, but most impersonator takes the role of a pedophile, Jackie Earle Haley, who incredibly reliably recreate your character. Ronnie is confused, immature and behaves as if it is an adult that scared him. "Small children" have some strong scenes - particularly the last fifteen minutes can push us in a chair, because despite all the predictability of the tip is really very good. Climate music by Thomas Newman, intelligent, and respectable assembly form a film that can shake the audience and force reflection. ,, When there are children, your life is over, "said Bob in the movie" Lost in Translation. "The question is whether when we are born our children, we are already adults ..